1963 Johnson Motors Brochure

The JoMo 1963 catalogue, containing details of the 1963 Triumph range. This would have probably been released May - June 1962, before the commencement of the 1963 factory year after the factory summer holidays, in August 1962

The unit construction engine was new for the 650 "B" Range

The Bonneville "TT" Special - the stripped down production race bike intended solely for the US market which JoMo had been asking Triumph to produce for years. The factory was reluctant to supply such a model, but eventually agreed to, and its introduction coincided with the release of the new unit motor and frame. Intended primarily for US TT steeplechase racing, dirt track racing around an irregularly-shaped course with at least one jump.

The Trophy Special, aimed at West Coast desert racers. The single carb TR6 had already become the weapon of choice for desert racers and this out-of-the-crate racer was aimed directly at them.

Technical specs for the 1963 model range, including the TT and Trophy Specials.